Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Stupid Sewing Tip #1 is do not stack your sewing projects on the back of your chair. Why you may ask? Because pins in your back really, really suck! @#!#$$%@#$@#%$^^@#

What more is there to say...

1 comment:

a_Jackalope_Vixen said...

I live in the grunge capital of the world; Seattle, Washington, USA. People have always been rather grungy-looking because of the weather. No one knows who started it. People dress like they are going camping when they attend the symphony. Every day looks include the lumber jacks wardrobe. I think David Lynch's "Twin Peaks" does a good job of portraying how we Northwesterners attire ourselves. However ...

Because I lived away from Seattle for many years, I learned to dress with a little more style and I hope a dash of elegance! Aprons on top of sweats seem like a fair beginning to me!!! I am working with the old guard of feminism around here so ... I am not sure if my neighbors are "getting" me. LoL!!!!
